πŸ‘“Deploy n.Scope

1 Retrieve the installation archive

You may find the installation archive of our latest stable version in our version Warehouse. Current stable in v2.0.

You will need client credentials to retrieve the installation package. If you lost your credentials, email us at support@nanocorp.fr, and we will send new ones over. If you are not yet a customer and want to test us out, contact sales@nanocorp.fr to receive a trial download credential and software license.

2 n.Scope Server Requirement

2.1 Sizing n.Scope for performance

n.Scope platform requires CPU, RAM, and high-performance hard drive space adapted to the total aggregated bandwidth observed by the probes attached to it.

For reference, the table below indicates the required server size based against the aggregated bandwidth:

BandwidthCPU CoresRAMSystem DiskData Disk

10 Gbps


128 GB

50 GB

512 GB

25 Gbps


256 GB

50 GB

1 024 GB

50 Gbps


386 GB

50 GB

2 048 GB

100 Gbps


512 GB

50 GB

4 096 GB

n.Scope scales beyond 100Gbps ; specific requirements are necessary, please reach out to support@nanocorp.fr to discuss your need.

n.Scope Specification are given for high intensity network workload, and for the full suite of software (Observability, Smart Alerting, Forensic.

Data Partition is sized for a data retention period of 90 days against the aggregated bandwidth observed by the probes.

2.2 Supported Operating System

Nano Corp officially supports n.Scope installation on Oracle Linux version 8.8. You can retrieve your preferred installation medium here

We are considering supporting more operating systems. Drop us an email at feedback@nanocorp.fr to let us know which one you would prefer.

2.3 Update the server to the last version

#Upgrade to last version
dnf update -y

2.4 Install the required packages

dnf install -y coreutils gawk curl grep tar openssl dnf-utils zip unzip bash-completion nano

2.5 Clean-up pre-existing container managers and Install Docker

To avoid any problem during the installation, it is safer to clean-up any potential other container system installed by default.

#Remove pre-existing container manager.
dnf remove -y runc

#Add Docker Community Edition to DNF repos
dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo

#Install Docker
dnf install -y docker-ce --nobest

2.6 Reboot the server

#reboot to switch on last kernel / versions

3. Deploying n.Scope server

Installation must be performed as root. Log in the console as root using `sudo su` command.

3.1 Download the Install archive to the server

cp NanocorpInstall.tar.gz ~/
tar -xvzf NanocorpInstall.tar.gz

3.2 Start the installation script

Go to the installation directory and run the install script. It will create all the required files and directory for n.scope and its database to run.

cd NanocorpInstall
./n.Scope/install_n.Scope.sh --database-host {N.SCOPE SERVER HOSTNAME or IP}

`database-host` option must be filed with n.Scope’s FQDN or IP address. It will point to probes where they should report the traffic they observe.

3.3 Installation check

  • Check that there are two directories at the installation location.


You should see two directories: 1. n.Scope 2. n.Probe

n.Probe repository will be used later on to install probes, rewinds and fusions.

  • Check that docker containers are running.

docker ps

You should see four docker containers running.

4 Deploy n.Probes, n.Rewind, n.Fusion

Go to the next step of the installation procedure:

πŸͺDeploy n.Probes, n.Rewind, n.Fusion

Last updated